Point Zero

And so begins my gaming adventure…

Note that the controls using the Wii remote are significantly more confusing that of the Gamecube controller’s. I think to get the best results, I’ll stick with the good old Gamecube controller. Beating up polygons with a two piece controller is just too much for my mind to handle.

For any of my readers who have never played this game, the idea is pretty simple. You pick a character ranging from the classic plumber Mario, to Jigglypuff from Pokemon, to Snake from Metal Gear Solid, and you send your opponents flying. Every character has their own varied arsenal. Each attack landed on an opponent increases their damage percentage. This percentage can go as high as 999%. The higher the percentage, the farther your foe will fly with every hit. There are two typical ways to finish the enemy off: either by knocking him off the stage in such a way that he cannot jump back on, or hitting him so hard, he flies off into the atmosphere.

Like so.

Pretty easy, right? Not really.

Reading the controls makes this game seem deceivingly easy. Move with the joystick, A button performs basic attacks, B button does special attacks that vary greatly by character, Z button is your shield, A + B throws an opponent. But then there are items, smash balls that trigger super powered attacks, interactive stages, and plenty of other high speed fun.

Picture Bibliography:

“Super Smash Bros Brawl – WII/Mario” WikiCheats


(October 2, 2011)

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